Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Breaking: NBC's TV shows move online from iTunes to Amazon Unbox!

iTunes has lost a high profile client as NBC Universal has moved their online shows from iTunes to Amazon Unbox. There you will find popular shows such as Heroes, Law & Order regular, Criminal Intent and SVU, The Office, 30 Rock, My Name is Earl and Studio 60. This is current list of NBC shows on Amazon Unbox.

For example you can get an episode of Heroes for $1.99, or the whole season for just $32 (currently on sale, since 23 episodes times $2 = $46). The Office is similarly priced.

And now to the technical stuff: You can keep purchased videos on 2 PCs or TiVo DVRs and 2 portable video players at the same time. Yes, with Unbox you get the benefit of downloading your purchases to your TiVo! As far as your computer, a Windows-based PC (XP or Vista) is required. TiVo requirements: a broadband-connected TiVo DVR (Series2 or Series3). This offer is only good for US customers in the US at this time.

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